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Lanzarote - 5th to 12th November 2016


Courtesy of https://www.youngpioneertours.com/ypt-morocco-map

Lanzarote is an island in the Atlantic Ocean belonging to Spain, the most eastern of the Canary Islands. It lies approximately 78 miles off the coast of Africa and 621 miles from the Iberian Peninsular. Covering 327 sq miles, Lanzarote is the fourth largest of the islands in the archipelago. With 140,000 inhabitants, it is the third most populous island of the Canary Islands, after Tenerife and Gran Canaria. In the center-west of the island is the Timanfaya National Park, which is one its main attractions.

Plant Life

Lanzarote’s highest peak, Peñas del Chache near Haría, is only 2,198ft (670 metres) above sea level. Compared with other islands of the Canarian archipelago, it is not very mountainous, with the landscape having very little change in altitude. Certain factors determine what sort of plant life can exist here. There are many large areas covered in volcanic material and the arid climate, with little rainfall and no frost, has an effect on Lanzarote’s flora. Surprisingly, despite these hostile conditions, Lanzarote has around 612 plant species, many of which are endemic to the Canary Islands and have great botanical value. Around twenty species are endemic to Lanzarote. What will strike you first is that you will not find many trees on the island, with the pleasant exception of hundreds of Canary Palms (Phoenix canariensis) thriving in the valley of Haría. The mythical Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco), which has a long history on other islands of the Canaries, can also be seen everywhere. The most common plants to be found on Lanzarote’s vast malpaís, or badlands, are mosses (Bryophyta) and lichens, while the Canary Houseleek (Aeonium canariense) predominates in cracks and fissures. In scrubland areas you can find various species of Spurges (Euphorbiaceae) – drought-resistant plants that produce a bitter, milky juice, such as the cactus-like Canary Island Spurge (Euphorbia canariensis) and the Euphorbia obtusifolia with greenish-yellowish flowers.


Flight Details

Date From To
Saturday 5th November 2016 Easyjet EZY8683 ETD Gatwick 14:40 hrs ETA Arrecife 18:55 hrs
Saturday 12th November 2016 Easyjet EZY 8682 ETD Arrecife 12:05 hrs ETA Gatwick 16:45 hrs


Tour Organsied by

KE Adventure Travel Ltd,
Central Car Park Road,
Keswick, Cumbria CA12 5DF
Tel: 017687 73966


With its year round mild climate, sweeping sea views, dramatic volcanic landscape and stark beauty, Lanzarote is known as the “Island of Eternal Spring.” It was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1993.





GPS Statistics

    Distance Time Elevation in meters
Day To Km Elapsed


Loss Min Max
1 Playa Blanca to Yaiza 16.6 6H15 3H15 246 87 2 183
2 Yaiza to Montaña Blanca 19.4 6H29 3H53 634 545 176 581
  Side trip to Los Cuervos 2.9 0H49 0H38 25 25    
3 Montaña Blanca to Teguise 16.3 5H23 3H18 274 244 181 343
4 Teguise to Haria 15.4 6H12 3H01 365 381 287 626
5 Haria to Orzola 12.9 3H45 2H36 171 444 7 363
6 Isla Graciosa & Montaña Amarilla 12.4 5H02 2H27 158 158 1 154







The Accommodation

Villas Los Veroles,
Calle Los Veroles,
Costa Teguise,
Lanzarote 35508








  Saturday 5th November Restaurant El Fondeadero, Las Caletas  
  Sunday 6th November Doña Lola, Costa Teguise  
  Monday 7th November Isla Bonita, Costa Teguise  
  Tuesday 8th November Mesón El Portón, Costa Teguise  
  Wednesday 9th November Casa Felix, Costa Teguise  
  Thursday 10th November    
  Friday 11th November Doña Lola, Costa Teguise  


Dinner at Restaurant El Fondeadero, Las Caletas

"Choose to eat in simple village restaurants for inexpensive but delicious local food. Try the dockers’ favourite, El Fondeadero (The Anchorage), at Las Caletas near Arrecife port. Excellent for fish and papas arrugadas (wrinkly potatoes). The dockers invade, peacefully, at 1pm."